Finally got to stop by Jason Schuler’s great store in Beacon, Drink More Good, and picked up a bagful of goodies including his luscious Cassia Kream Syrup that I used to make this brilliantly simple cocktail.
In case you have been under a rock for the last few years and have not heard of Jason’s “make the world a better place” locally produced deliciously wholesome, “redefining”, soda syrups, that Martha Stewart and a whole lot of other people are raving about, let me clue you in…. I got all of these and can’t wait to try them.
Jason makes the Cassia Kream syrup with raw organic cane sugar and distilled water that he infuses using a secret recipe the essence of locally sourced and organic herbs and spices… He says it “started out as our take on a very historical cola recipe, utilizing ingredients you would have found in a cola when they actually used real ingredients. Then, we added cinnamon and vanilla to create a uniquely flavored experience.” It is so good!
The cocktail was made with 2 ounces of bourbon, 3/4 ounce of the Cassia Kream and a little squirt and slice of lemon, over one nice ice cube stirred in the glass.
The shop is beautiful and filled with wall to wall goodness, the full line of syrups, all sorts of drink mixers and ingredients, teas and more. It is fun, I could have easily twice as much stuff. The selection of bitters is very complete.
Lindsay helped me with my purchase, smart and friendly. Gave me some very good recommendations.
Drink More Good
383 Main St, Beacon, New York
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