On a walk on the Glyncliffe Loop we found a side path which took us around the north side of the Garrison Institute property and came across the gate to the former monastery’s walled garden where a beautifully meditative labyrinth grows.
It was built and dedicated 10 years ago and is discretely open to the public.
I learned much about the magical power of labyrinths from our dear friend Garrison artist Diana Carulli who has created many beautiful public labyrinths. In an article discussing her work in Union Square she shared how walking a labyrinth brings focus and clarity and said “It clears thoughts…it gives insight to walk in that way,” she also expressed “the labyrinth has a multitude of functions, from being a work of art and a method of meditation to an efficient use of space for people to exercise when the lines of the labyrinth are followed.” The Villager
Walking meditation here is with “ritual and contemplative significance going back to neolithic times.” This labyrinth “is a living reminder of the spiraling, interconnected, organic, vital community that has grown up around the Institute”, where people work together “to create transformative change.” Garrison Institute. Something that is truly needed in times like we face today.
You can see more about Diana Carulli Labyrinths here: East River Reflections
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