The summer river:
although there is a bridge, my horse
goes through the water.
Masaoka Shiki, a poet, author, and literary critic in Meiji period Japan.
Masaoka Shiki was the pen-name of Masaoka Noboru (September 17, 1867 – September 19, 1902) born into a ‘middle class’ family and raised in the classical fashion. Shiki was a rebel in his mid teens. Although best known as one of the leaders of the Modern Haiku Movement, Shiki wrote in many styles of poetry and prose as an author, biographer and critic. He also wrote on reform of tanka poetry.
Some consider Shiki to be one of the four great haiku masters, the others being Matsuo Bashō, Yosa Buson, and Kobayashi Issa – Wikipedia & All Poetry
Paining Man on Horseback Crossing a Bridge by Ando Hiroshige (1797-1858) Japanese Artist
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