A sprawling property of 1,400 acres, Rockefeller State Park Preserve, some call it the “Rockys”, is a wonderful place to walk, run, explore and contemplate.
We spent a few hours here on a beautiful Sunday morning strolling the miles of carriage trails and enjoying the wildlife.
Walking along the 22 acre Swan Lake.
The preserve was originally created with trails for the Rockefeller’s to ride their carriages. Ah the gentry life.
There are dozens of wooded trails to explore, over 180 bird species have been seen here.
An old stone wall, the property is so well maintained but allowed to remain rustic.
A beautiful rolling meadow.
The horses have room to run.
Eventually we go to the adjoining Stone Barns Center For Food and Agriculture.
Lush with flowers.
There is a restaurant, cafe, shop and endless events here. Children are welcome.
Dedicated to Peggy Rockefeller.
Look for the turtles.
Rockefeller State Park Preserve
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