Is it just the winter months, or some astrological influence, that lead to my ennui. The days seem so short, who wants to be gazing into a computer screen any longer after a day of work The early dark evenings are hardly inspiring.
Nonetheless, we’ve had lots of adventures and pleasures and so many pictures to share. So stay with me.
Some of what I’ll be sharing in the coming weeks include jaunts in and around Hubbard-Perkins Conservation Area in Philipstown and Poets Walk in Rhinebeck. Such fascinating places with remnants and vestiges of the farming and commerce that thrived here over a century ago.
We’ve now walked 15 of the 22 Hikes in Philipstown. And have noticed how popular the Arden Point/Marcia’s Mile trails near our home have become.
Dining has meant many return visits to what have become our favorites on the east bank of the Hudson like Doug’s Dogwood, Ziatun, Quinn’s and Kitchen Sink.
And new places charming Juanita’s Kitchen in Nelsonville which we like a lot.
The new Beacon Hotel Restaurant an exciting spot with a very enticing menu.
and Hudson Valley Brewers, John-Anthony Gargiulo’s thriving place.
And more trips across the Hudson to Newburg for Newburg Brewery, Ms. Fairfax, which we adore and others.
I’ve got a least 20 new articles to post so stay tuned!